Irlen’s syndrome: treatment and adaptation

Irlen’s syndrome: treatment and adaptation

Irlen is a medical condition characterized by a distortion of visual perception (scotopic sensitivity). Such distortion causes a number of other problems, such as fragmented vision from a far distance, difficulty in perceiving the text, headaches, fatigue when reading, and even poor coordination.

The syndrome was discovered in 1983 by Helen Irlen, who was a master of pedagogy. She worked at school and found in children problems with the perception of the text. She also invented a method for correcting the syndrome using correctly selected colored lenses. School eye tests and early eye examinations are very important. If you identify the syndrome at an early stage and choose treatment, then the children learn to read faster, work with the text and do not lag behind in the overall development.

Life and work with the syndrome

Today, methods for diagnosing the syndrome and its treatment have been developed. More than twenty-five thousand people wear Irlen glasses, which helps minimize problems in various areas of life that arise in connection with the disease. Glasses reduce sensitivity to light, difficulty concentrating in bright sunlight, difficulty reading text on a glossy surface, limiting the coverage of readable material.

Glasses also help to better perceive space, assess the distance to objects. People with dyslexia can also read using such glasses with color correction. The quality of life of people with the syndrome depends on its intensity of expression. But all of them can work quite comfortably, because modern developments allow you to do this remotely.

Virtual rooms for remote work of people with needs

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The data room is very easy to use cloud storage that has a huge number of functions for individual and group work. All employees, regardless of their location, will be able to participate in meetings, work together with the team, communicate with colleagues and superiors, and see the progress of their work. Data rooms are a modern development that brings new opportunities to both people and corporations. They are used by most companies that are on the Forbs-500 list. Virtual data rooms are popular in Brazil, America, Argentina, and Europe because this is a revolution in the organization of the workflow.

Über den Autor

Nabiha Acosta author